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The Daily Fix

Coed Adult Group Clinic


Get your golf fix on!

Pick and choose a topic that interests you.
Come to one or to all.
These are not for beginner golfers. Best suited for golfers who have their
own clubs and have completed a beginner golf series. 

Upcoming Dates

Saturdyas & Sundays

1/27-Full Swing Irons
1/28-Full Swing Woods

2/11-Pitch Shots
2/24-Uneven Lies
2/25- On course class*

*must complete an iron class prior to attending or have had some previous instruction

Packages can only be used for the Jan/Feb 2024 classes.
No make-ups or refunds for missed classes.
Purchasing a package will not automatically register you for class
When you purchase a package, you will receive a code.

Use that code when you register for each class individually. 

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